

Clonakilla酒莊於1971年創立,現任莊主Tim Kirk於1991年時遠赴法國北隆河Cote-Rotie區,拜訪生產『三La』(註)而舉世聞名的Marcel Guigal,經過細細品嚐,被如此優雅的Syrah(Shiraz)施赫葡萄酒所震攝,也開啟了他想要在自家酒莊釀造這些藝術品的念頭。
雖然身在澳洲,但酒莊的風格細緻靈巧,同時又融入些澳洲迷人的黑色漿果香氣,莊主Tim Kirk說:『The Clonakilla style is about the fruit leading the wood』,莓果香帶領著木桶香氣,讓飲用者可以真實感覺葡萄酒的原貌,另外也學習法國隆河與勃根地區的釀造手法,束縛住澳洲葡萄慣有的狂暴甜膩。這樣細膩質地的酒也要歸功於Canberra坎培拉所在的氣候,偏屬大陸型氣候,日照充足讓葡萄飽含香氣,日夜溫差讓葡萄生長圓熟又節制,加上葡萄成熟季節溫暖的天氣,讓葡萄可以掛在葡萄樹上慢慢熟成至最適合釀造的狀態。
酒莊旗艦酒Clonakilla Shiraz Viognier,在澳洲被認為是自1952年Penfolds Grange Hermitage生產後,品質最精湛的一支法國隆河品種酒款。
『Clonakilla Shiraz Viognier is perhaps one of the most important advances in the development of Australian Shiraz since the release of 1952 Penfolds Grange Hermitage.』
澳洲葡萄酒大師James Halliday給予酒莊最高的五顆星評鑑酒莊,稱讚Clonakilla生產的酒極為優異,『The quality of the wines is excellent』。
澳洲最知名的毒舌酒評Jeremy Oliver稱Clonakilla為澳洲最重要小酒型莊,『one of the country's most important small vineyards』。 
在澳洲的知名葡萄酒作家Huon Hooke也稱讚Clonakilla是澳洲小型酒莊的領導者,『one of the leading small wineries in the country』。
註:三La指的是經常獲得95以上,甚至100分的超級北隆河酒La Landonne、La Mouline、La Turque。

五號好酒# 64 - Clonakilla Hilltops Shiraz ‏- 連毒舌酒評家Jeremy Oliver也給予95分高度評價!

五號好酒 - Clonakilla Hilltops Shiraz 2010 ‏- 連毒舌酒評家Jeremy Oliver也給予95分高度評價!
澳洲菁英酒莊『Clonakilla』的旗艦酒Shiraz Viognier,在2010年澳洲Langton評鑑中,與Penfolds Grange、Henschke Hill of Grace、Clarendon Hills Astralis等世紀名釀,同列最高Exceptional等級!

這款極為風光的老大哥獲獎無數,價值不斐,隨著葡萄藤年歲漸長,他的小老弟Hilltops Shiraz頂峰希哈,風格相同,但品質已經直逼老大哥!


James Halliday給予94分,稱讚『酒香極為複雜』

毒舌酒評家Jeremy Oliver更給了95高分的高度評價,認為『均衡、滑順、質地高雅』且『清新而悠長』

知名澳洲雜誌酒評Huon Hooke也給了94分


James Suckling也有93分好評!





全名:Clonakilla Hilltops Shiraz

中文:庫那奇拉 頂峰施赫

葡萄品種:100% Shiraz




Clonakilla於1971年創立,位於澳洲東部坎培拉產區,酒莊風格細緻靈巧,同時融入澳洲迷人的黑色漿果香氣,莊主Tim Kirk說:『The Clonakilla style is about the fruit leading the wood』,漿果氣息帶領著木桶香氣,讓飲用者可以真實感受葡萄酒的原貌。


Tim Kirk於1991年時遠赴法國北隆河Cote-Rotie區,拜訪生產『三La』而舉世聞名的E.Guigal酒廠,被如此優雅的Syrah(Shiraz)葡萄酒所震攝,開啟了他想要在自家酒莊釀造這些藝術品的念頭,他也曾於勃根地學習釀造,這些釀造技術節制了澳洲葡萄慣有的狂暴甜膩。




這支Hilltops Shiraz選用Hilltops這個稍冷涼區塊的葡萄園Shiraz來釀造,因氣溫較低,擁有更多細膩表現,充滿黑色漿果與香料氣息,可以感受到低溫給予的節制感,葡萄緩慢生長,擁有極佳的平衡度,2010是較為涼爽的年份,正好漂亮地展現這款酒的細膩特質!


Jeremy Oliver:95 points

By daylight the finest wine to appear under this label, this very harmonious and unusually fragrant shiraz has a heady, floral bouquet of sweet small berries, cherries and restrained, fine-grained oak lifted by alluring hints of spice and black tea leaves. It's not hard to imagine a splash of viognier in there somewhere. Long and supple, it's smooth, gentle and very fine-grained, delivering a charmingly willowy presence of vibrant black, blue and red fruits supported by bony tannins, finishing savoury and slightly meaty, with exemplary freshness and persistence.


James Halliday:94 points

Full red-purple, not star-bright; the bouquet is complex, with warm spices threaded through dark cherry and blackberry fruit, the medium- to full-bodied palate with ripe fruit complemented by firm tannins and quality oak.


Huon Hooke:94 points

Fullish red colour with slightly purple tinge. Subdued pepper spice aromas, shy and a touch reticent, the palate lean and taut, nervy and lacking richness and fruit sweetness. It's bony, skeletal and slightly astringent. Grippy aftertaste. Needs time. A tad disjointed now.


James Suckling:93 points


Decanter:18/20 points




