

澳洲Barossa Valley一向是葡萄酒的模範生,雖不乏過於簡單肥膩的無趣酒廠,但菁英酒莊的品質仍然非常讓人震攝。
特別是有些家族規模,以美國膜拜酒(Cult Wine)為借鏡的小型酒莊,以品質取代數量,釀出的酒醇美而常得到酒評家超高分推薦,將綠色採收發揮最大效用,留下最精華的少數葡萄串,葡萄盡量掛枝而能獲得最多養分,如此一來,造成產量極少,卻極度飽滿迷人的醇美佳釀,這家澳洲的哈柏斯Hobbs酒莊便是其中之一,澳洲大酒商Langton說他『Hobbs is a cult-type wine producer. The styles are in line with the cult genre.』,無疑是澳洲膜拜酒的翹楚,而這樣評價驚人卻數量極少的產品,市面上常常難以尋獲。
酒莊主人Gregg Hobbs與Allison Hobbs,與現任釀酒師Peter Schell,現在已經是澳洲膜拜酒明星,雖僅有用小小的15公頃葡萄園,但卻握有Barossa Valley最老的幾個Shiraz葡萄園,其中有些還是19世紀末左右所種植,葡萄園採用Biodynamic自然動力法,葡萄數量較少,酒廠有能力以人工整枝以及採收,讓生長期的葡萄可以獲得最多的日照。
澳洲Barossa Valley總是給人過於炎熱的印象,太多的陽光,太多的糖分,太少的酸度,但哈柏斯Hobbs酒莊卻恰好位在Barossa最涼爽的區域,土層屬於粘土與岩石腐土的混合,易於保存水份,這對陽光強烈的Barossa是一件再好不過的事,你可以說他的葡萄酒很不Barossa,不肥不膩,展現此區前所未有的複雜細緻,但充足陽光與恰當剪枝卻又讓酒體集中濃郁,非常有架構,這就是哈柏斯Hobbs酒莊得以被酒評家冠上膜拜酒莊的秘密。
哈柏斯Hobbs酒莊的老藤葡萄,直接緊鄰澳洲膜拜酒釀酒大師Chris Ringland的老藤葡萄園,Chirs以釀造Three Rivers Shiraz最為人知,Parker稱Three Rivers Shiraz為澳洲現今最好的膜拜酒,得分皆在95-100之間,『Three Rivers is the handicraft of Chris Ringland. Possibly Australia’s greatest cult wine.』,這瓶酒剛發售就要300美金,2009年時雪梨拍賣會上,1996與1998年份的Three Rivers以1381與1265澳幣拍出,折合台幣大概37000~41000之譜。Hobbs酒莊雖然起步比Chris Ringland晚,但擁有與他同樣的地塊與老藤葡萄樹,加上Chris Ringland現在還是Hobbs酒莊的顧問,WA給予他Shiraz的分數也平均的座落於90-100之間,無庸置疑,成為下一個超級膜拜酒莊只是時間問題。
酒莊的Shiraz酒款,有老藤Shiraz、類似義大利Amarone作法的Shiraz Gregor、混釀達到極度平衡的Shiraz Viognier,另外還有非常出名且令人耳目一新的各類濃郁甜酒,包含White Frontignac、Semillon、Viognier、Grenach等品種,酒莊產量極少,各酒款多則不到3000瓶,少則只有1300瓶左右,非常難以尋獲!是極難以入手的膜拜酒。
Nurture the vines. Concentrate on preserving the complex balance of flavours and acids as the grapes mature. Hand pick when berries are at their optimum flavour ripeness. Combine skill, attention to detail and passion throughout the wine making process. Delight with the first taste.

五號好酒# 32 - Hobbs Shiraz Gregor 2007 哈柏斯 葛瑞哥 旗艦施赫(旗艦酒)

 五號好酒# 32 - Hobbs Shiraz Gregor 2007  哈柏斯 葛瑞哥 旗艦施赫(旗艦酒)



澳洲膜拜酒大師Chris Ringland為Hobbs酒莊釀酒顧問,Chris擁有的Three Rivers Shiraz一上市價錢就突破300美元,Robert Parker推崇其為「澳洲現今最好的膜拜酒」。


Hobbs Gregor,年產量約只3000瓶,極為量少質優。





酒莊:Hobbs 哈柏斯酒莊

產區:澳洲 Barossa

全名:Hobbs Shiraz Gregor

中文:哈柏斯 葛瑞哥 旗艦施赫(旗艦酒)

葡萄品種:100% Shiraz




Hobbs是一家以美國膜拜酒(Cult Wine)為借鏡的小型精品酒莊,採用Biodynamic自然動力法有機耕種,將綠色採收發揮最大效用,只留下少數精華的葡萄串,葡萄盡量掛枝而能獲得最多養分,如此堅持,造成產量極少,卻極度飽滿迷人的醇美佳釀。酒莊主人Gregg Hobbs與Allison Hobbs邀請曾任澳洲名莊Turkey Flat的釀酒師Peter Schell管理,雖僅有15公頃葡萄園,卻握有Barossa Valley最老的幾個Shiraz葡萄園,其中有些還是19世紀末左右所種植,且未曾受到葡萄根瘤牙蟲病的影響。Hobbs的葡萄園位於海拔500公尺,是全Barossa最涼爽的區域,土層屬於粘土與岩石腐土的混合,易於保存水份,這對蒸發強烈的Barossa區是一件再好不過的事,能夠展現此區前所未有的複雜細緻,充足陽光與恰當剪枝又讓酒體集中濃郁,非常有架構,這就是Hobbs得以被酒評家冠上膜拜酒莊的秘密。


澳洲大酒商Langton稱讚他『Hobbs is a cult-type wine producer. The styles are in line with the cult genre.』,無疑是澳洲膜拜酒的翹楚!


Hobbs的老藤葡萄,直接緊鄰澳洲膜拜酒大師Chris Ringland的Three Rivers老藤葡萄園,Parker稱Three Rivers Shiraz為澳洲現今最好的膜拜酒,得分皆在95-100之間,『Three Rivers is the handicraft of Chris Ringland. Possibly Australia’s greatest cult wine.』,Three Rivers Shiraz一上市價錢就突破300美元,1996與1998年份於2009年拍賣出台幣41,000左右的高價。Hobbs雖然起步比Chris Ringland晚,但擁有與他同樣的地塊與老藤葡萄樹,加上Chris Ringland是Hobbs酒莊的釀酒顧問,無庸置疑,成為下一個超級膜拜酒莊只是時間問題。


Hobbs Gregor,使用類似義大利Armarone的作法,手工採收後,嚴格篩選出成熟度飽滿且狀態完好的葡萄串,將葡萄自然風乾,去除部分的水份,讓果實風味更加濃縮集中,保存香氣與自然酸度,釀出的風味濃郁獨特,酒體飽滿醇厚。在進行綠色採收與嚴格篩選後,原本產量就不多,風乾的動作讓葡萄汁數量更少,但讓香氣複雜多變,架構十足,年產量約只有3000瓶,量少質優,常得到酒評家的超高分推薦,在國際市場上經常難以尋獲!



Greg and Allison Hobbs vineyards are contiguous with Chris Ringlands Three Rivers vineyards; furthermore, Ringland is a consultant to winemaker Peter Schell. The Hobbs wines are made with minimal intervention and are bottled unfined and unfiltered.




Wine Advocate:96 points(2005)

The 2005 Gregor Shiraz was made from grapes dried on racks prior to crushing and fermentation in the style of Amarone. More deeply colored than its siblings, it has a liqueur, port-like character to its aromas and flavors. Large in scale and richly fruity, it conceals enough ripe tannin to evolve for 6-8 years. Drink this singular effort from 2015 to 2035.



Wine Advocate:95 points(2004)

The 2004 Shiraz Gregor was sourced from a younger vineyard and includes some partially dried fruit in the style of Amarone. The wine spent 2 years in new French oak hogsheads. It is more deeply colored than its sibling and has a liqueur/port-like character to its aromas and flavors. Powerful, rich, and layered, but with less complexity, this lengthy wine can be enjoyed over the next 12-14 years.


Wine Advocate:96 points(2003)

Made from yields of two tons of fruit per acre, and aged two years in both new and old French oak, the 2003 Shiraz Gregor (from 16-year-old vines) possesses a roasted/scorched earth character as some of the fruit is dried a la Amarone. Rich and full-bodied, with a broodingly dense, concentrated style, an inky/blue/purple color, fabulous length as well as intensity, and riveting fruit, it can be enjoyed over the next 12-15 years.



WS Release Price US Dollar $190



