

 Montes酒莊的老闆之一,同時也是首席釀酒師的Aurelio Montes非常有才華,天生就是當釀酒師的料,他在學生時代,便想證明位於Colchagua區的Apalta Valley是智利生產紅酒最好的地方;這個地區是丘陵與斜坡,土壤貧瘠,表層是厚厚的砂礫,平均坡度15度,最陡甚至可達45度,不過Aurelio Montes認為這裡西邊靠近海洋,東邊是山脈,日間溫暖可供葡萄成熟,夜間涼爽讓質地更為細緻,提供了完美的成長環境。
憑著Aurelio Montes的直覺與理想,他在Apalta的陡坡上種植Syrah品種,這也成了Montes Folly的由來。這片名為La Finca de Apalta的園地是幾乎無法耕作的山坡,更別提利用機械大量收成,如此貧瘠、整地困難、照料不易,極度仰賴人工的地方栽種葡萄,所花費的時間與昂貴代價難以計算,這樣的行為被同行認為是愚笨,而且這個地區從來沒有嘗試過種植Syrah品種,也沒有人能保證釀出來的酒是否能夠入口,但Aurelio Montes憑著多年來的狂野夢想,堅持走下去。
The first activities at our vineyard began in 1987. Two partners with great illusions, Aurelio Montes and Douglas Murray, both holding long-standing experience in the wine industry, were certain Chile could improve on the quality it was producing at the time. It seemed as if the large and medium-scale vineyards were satisfied with limiting their distribution to local supermarkets. They certainly knew how to produce premium wines, but didn’t feel up to it, they were satisfied with the niche markets they had attained, which was certainly broad, although small. In 1988, another two original partners joined in, Alfredo Vidaurre and Pedro Grand, each providing their qualified, complimentary views, and thus, Viña Montes was formally born, initially under the name Discover Wine Ltda., a saga that has made Chile internationally known in 75 countries worldwide while providing extensive recognition and acclaim.

五號好酒# 16 - Montes Alpha M 2010 / 2011 智利四天王之首,收集最佳年份!

五號好酒 - Montes Alpha M 2010 / 2011 智利四天王之首,收集最佳年份!

超越自己!有智利四天王名號的Alpha M,是Montes家的旗艦酒款,WS除了2008與2009沒有給分,2004至2007期間年份的分數都在92-95分之間徘徊,品質相當穩定,而2010年份則破天荒地達到96分的評價!認為『尾韻綿長且質地緊密』。


Wine Spectator:94 points(2004)

Wine Spectator:95 points(2005)

Wine Spectator:94 points(2006)

Wine Spectator:92 points(2007)

Wine Spectator:96 points(2010)


自立門戶的James Suckling則給了94分評鑑,並稱讚『這是款架構宏大又同時可口好喝的葡萄酒』且『層次豐富』。





酒莊:Montes S.A.蒙帝斯酒莊

產區:智利 Colchagua

全名:Montes Alpha M

中文:蒙帝斯 阿法M(旗艦酒)

葡萄品種:80% Cabernet Sauvignon 80%、10% Cabernet Franc、5%, Merlot、5% Petit Verdot

年份:2010 / 2011



Montes酒莊的老闆之一,同時也是首席釀酒師的Aurelio Montes非常有才華,天生就是當釀酒師的料,他在學生時代,便想證明位於Colchagua區的Apalta Valley是智利生產紅酒最好的地方;這個地區是丘陵與斜坡,土壤貧瘠,表層是厚厚的砂礫,平均坡度15度,最陡甚至可達45度,不過Aurelio Montes認為這裡西邊靠近海洋,東邊是山脈,日間溫暖可供葡萄成熟,夜間涼爽讓質地更為細緻,提供了完美的成長環境。




歷經數十年的釀酒經驗,Aurelio Montes先生在1996年推出這款波爾多型態的旗艦酒Montes Alpha M,此為Montes酒莊的旗艦酒款,以創辦人之一Douglas Murray先生的姓氏第一個字母命名。


葡萄果實取自Apalta河谷的La Finca de Apalta莊園,山坡陡峭,年產量極低,僅每公頃3.5-4公噸。人工採收後的葡萄,需要再經過輸送帶篩選出來一顆顆最優良的果實,才能被用來做這款旗艦酒,釀造完的酒會經過18個月的全新法國橡木桶熟成,裝瓶前只有輕微過濾以保有酒款原始的風味。漂亮的深紫紅色,黑醋栗、黑莓果香伴隨著黑胡椒、香料、以及來自橡木桶的香草氣味,整體香氣豐富而和諧,一入口中立即感受到極佳的平衡感,以及濃厚飽滿的酒體,反映出這款酒雄壯的架構,友燒烤、咖啡和黑色漿果果香綿延不斷地釋出,香味馥郁多層次,並連結著持久的餘味,據酒莊建議,具有20年的陳年潛力,並建議最好在飲用前一小時先醒酒。WS除了2008與2009沒有給分,2004至2007期間年份的分數都在92-95分之間徘徊,品質相當穩定,而2010年份則破天荒地達到96分的評價!認為『尾韻綿長且質地緊密』,自立門戶的James Suckling則給了94分評鑑,並稱讚『這是款架構宏大又同時可口好喝的葡萄酒』且『層次豐富』。


Wine Spectator:94 points(2004)

Wine Spectator:95 points(2005)

Wine Spectator:94 points(2006)

Wine Spectator:92 points(2007)

Wine Spectator:96 points(2010)

Beautifully concentrated, with a floral undertone to the rich yet racy wild berry, cassis and damson plum skin fruit character that's tightly wound around fine tannins. The finish is long and compact, but this needs time in the cellar to fully shine. 

James Suckling:94 points

This is a big and chewy wine with lots of berry and spice wood undertones. Full body, with lots of character. About 18 months in 100% new wood. Long and flavorful. Needs time to come together. A blend 80% cabernet sauvignon, 10% merlot, 5% petit verdot and 5% cabernet franc.  


This intensely powerful wine with soft, round, solid tannins has a distinguished character with aromas of red fruits, cassis and a touch of cedar and cinnamon. In the mouth, the wine has delightful notes of vanilla and coffee, and a long, lingering finish with a pleasant and harmonious balance of fruit and oak.




