
La Spinetta

義大利酒權威Gambero Rosso出版的2009年指南裡,評選義大利眾多酒莊,獲得四星的只有一家酒廠,那就是頂頂大名的Gaja。而獲得三星殊榮的也只有兩家,其中一家,就是您眼前的La Spinetta!
現由Giorgio Rivetti 掌理的La Spinetta屬於新式風格酒廠,這位傳奇的新興釀酒師被最新一期Wine Spectator(2008 十二月份)的James Suckling專文介紹,他的名言是『百分之九十的工作是在葡萄園裡完成』(90% of our work is in the vineyards and only 10% in the cellar),可見他對葡萄種植方面的用心。與柏根地名家Leroy一樣使用『自然動力法』,謝絕使用化肥以及農藥,並且以獸力來整頓葡萄園,讓他在Piemonte地區獨樹一格,加上他曾經在法國波爾多五大酒莊之一的Chateau Margaux待過一年,對使用小型橡木桶方面得心應手,這使得原本酒質堅硬適合陳年的Nebbiolo酒款,帶有更多果香以及容易親近的調性,但也不讓過多的橡木氣味壓過葡萄本身風格,控制得宜。 
Giorgio Rivetti雖號稱『葡萄完美的成長,對一支酒來說最重要』,但品嚐過的人都知道,這位釀酒師對橡木桶的使用,如乎神技。

五號精選 - La Spinetta Barbaresco Starderi 巴巴瑞斯可 史塔德里特級園

 五號精選 - La Spinetta Barbaresco Starderi 巴巴瑞斯可 史塔德里特級園


酒莊:La Spinetta


全名:La Spinetta Barbaresco Starderi

中文:巴巴瑞斯可 史塔德里特級園

葡萄品種:100% Nebbiolo




La Spinetta為義大利酒評權威Gamberro Rosso評選中,全義大利第二名酒廠。

史塔德里特級園Starderi為La Spinetta的頂級作品之一,酒莊稱其『宏大,卻有完美的平衡感與及中度』(massive, yet perfectly balanced and focused),這支酒無疑是Piemonte區最完美的Barbaresco酒款之一,Gamberro Rosso給予這支2004年份最高三個酒杯的評價,當然這也多虧2004完美的氣候,讓原本就以均衡著稱的Starderi園多了一些個性,年產僅約一萬五千瓶。


Bouquet: massive, with scents of blackberry, cherry, strawberry and sweet spices, as well as licorice and chocolate.

Taste: perfectly balanced fruit expression and long and intense finish.



Wine Advocate: 95 points

The 2004 Barbaresco Starderi is a knock-out effort. A dark, brooding wine it reveals an array of dark cherries, spices, tar and smoke in a powerful, sinewy style. With each passing moment, it seemingly turns more and more classic in the glass, with only the super-ripe fruit serving as a reminder that this is a more contemporary wine. The balance and use of oak are both masterful. It is easily the finest wine Giorgio Rivetti has ever made, and is also the first wine in the estate's history that can truly challenge for a spot in the top echelon of the zone. Anticipated maturity: 2009-2019. 





