

 義大利的伊卡笛Icardi酒莊創立於1914年,位於北義Piemonte區的Castiglion Tinella村莊,正處於Langa與Monferrano這兩個出產Nebbiolo葡萄的精華地帶,用這裡葡萄釀造的Barolo以及Barbaresco酒款,就像是品質的保證,此地一些極度知名且酒價高不可攀的酒廠,新年份的葡萄酒都堅硬生澀難以親近,人為的諸多干預讓葡萄酒失去自然樣貌,沒有窖藏個15年以上難以展現,相反的,Icardi酒莊遵循大自然生長週期,刻意減少每公頃產量,讓得到的葡萄酒風味集中又自然,帶有柔軟多果的甘甜風味,那是葡萄的原本樣貌。
『我們的葡萄酒哲學就在葡萄園裡』(Our wine production philosophy comes from the vineyard),酒莊主人Claudio Icardi如是說,使用了『自然動力法』以及『有機農法』,不使用化學物質,這需要投入更多的人力去整頓與照顧葡萄園,跟隨季節的自然變換與當年氣候,來決定施作時機,Claudio表示:『這樣獲得的葡萄酒,非常能展現地塊的風味』,也讓葡萄酒保存自然風貌;義大利酒指南Gambero Rosso在嘗試他們的酒後,稱讚其『自然、有趣且極富變化』(In his vineyard there is absolute respect for the natural balance of the fragile ecosystem...the reange of wines is interesting and varied.)
雖然觸角在亞洲地區不多,但Icardi酒莊早以多果香聞名歐美(highly fruity wines),極度的清澄和優雅,從新年份就展現平穩的均衡感,這也是酒莊最希望表現的東西。
在品質優異的情況下,酒莊得以有財源,將葡萄園慢慢擴展至現在的75公頃,現在Claudio的妹妹Maria Grazia也回到家族事業中幫忙,負責打理酒窖管理以及銷售,她很慶幸家族擁有這麼優良的地塊,而且在杜絕化學藥品的努力下,土地非常健康,她拍胸保證說,現在生長出來的葡萄與百年前一樣自然,輕易就能釀成果味迷人的美酒。
義大利佳釀指南Luca Maroni:Icardi酒莊無疑釀造出義大利最讓人享受的酒款,幾乎所有的酒都果香四溢,表現亮麗卻柔和,這多虧酒莊培養的成熟葡萄果實,酒的酚類物質非常豐富,酒質鮮活且清澈辛香,非常優異!
Icardi undoubtedly has the best selection of enjoyable wines in Italy. There's fruit in almost all of the lables. The wines shine with smoothness - thanks to perfectly ripened grapes - the with freshness. Oxidation is virtually non-existent thank to well-controled aging. The wines' extract bases are phenomenally rich and the fruit is enveloping yet lively - laced with a magnificaltly clean spiciness that comes from always renewing the wood barrels in which they are kept for only brief periods. The result is an excellent labels.
"Our wines are produced by means of organic and biodynamic systems. Our production requires special care and attention, together with respectful compliance with nature and its cycles, and climate and weather conditions.
Resulting wines stand out for their natural striking scents that vary as much as the terroirs they come from and the persons who cultivate them.
Our password – integral preservation of vine characteristics".
Icardi style is renowned worldwide – highly fruity wines, whose style is characterized by extreme refinement, cleanliness and elegance, and whose flavour is balanced from the very beginning. A balance achieved in the most important wines as well, whose peculiarity may be appreciated in the short period.
(follow) CLAUDIO, oenologist, has carried on and developed the work his father began, and expanded the company thus reaching the current extent – 75 hectares that spread partly around company historical site and partly over different municipalities in Langa and Monferrato. The vocation of this deal of lands fosters wine quality, staking on organic cultivation and on 10 hectares dedicated to biodynamic techniques.
"Our focus is a healthy land – a land as healthy as one hundred years ago. The result are excellent vines", Claudio comments, talking about his production philosophy.
"My brother is unique at talent scouting the vineyards where chemicals have never caught on", MARIAGRAZIA comments, proud of his brother and Claudio’s irreplaceable right-hand man in the wine cellar and responsible for the company international trade. Two separate distinct hard working personalities who are in perfect balance and harmony.

五號好酒 - Icardi Balera Cortese Piemonte 2015 / 2016 義大利『王冠上的白珍珠』!

<img alt="" width="340" height="86" src="/userfiles/image/winery/Icardi.gif" /><br> <br> 如果說<strong>Nebbiolo</strong>是義大利西北皮耶蒙如果說Nebbiolo是義大利西北皮耶蒙紅葡萄之王,那Cortese科帝斯就是這裡的白葡萄之王,專門種植Cortese的Gavi DOCG法定產區,更有『王冠上的白珍珠』之稱!

酒莊使用『自然動力法』以及『有機農法,義大利酒指南Gambero Rosso在嘗試他們的酒後,稱讚其『自然、有趣且極富變化』

曾拿到義大利知名評論家Luca Maron給予89高分!可說是酒莊優良名聲外的雙重保證!


酒莊:Icardi 伊卡笛莊園
產區:義大利 Piemonte
全名:Icardi Cortese "Balera"
中文:伊卡笛 科地斯白酒
葡萄品種:100% Cortese

位於北義大利Piemonte區的Icardi酒莊創立於1914年,此地有許多極度知名且酒價高不可攀的酒廠,所釀造的新年份葡萄酒都堅硬生澀難以親近,人為的諸多干預讓葡萄酒失去自然原貌,沒有窖藏個15年以上難以展現風味。相反的,Icardi酒莊遵循大自然生長週期,刻意減少每公頃產量,讓獲得的葡萄酒風味集中又自然,帶有柔軟多果的天然甘甜風味,那正是葡萄的原本樣貌 。

『我們的葡萄酒哲學就在葡萄園裡,酒莊主人Claudio Icardi如是說。堅持使用『自然動力法』以及『有機農法;反對使用化學物質,這需要投入更多的人力去整頓與照顧葡萄園,跟隨季節的自然變換與當年氣候,來決定施作時機,Claudio表示:『這樣獲得的葡萄酒,非常能展現地塊的風味』,也讓葡萄酒保存自然風貌;義大利酒指南Gambero Rosso在嘗試他們的酒後,稱讚其『自然、有趣且極富變化』

位於義大利西北的Piemonte區以紅酒舉世聞名,不過說到白葡萄品種,除了釀成甜酒的Moscato麝香葡萄外,干白酒則是Cortese科帝斯葡萄獨霸一方,最出名的法定產區莫過於Gavi DOCG,有『王冠上的白珍珠』之稱,Cortese葡萄也是第一個在國際市場上發光發熱的義大利原生葡萄品種,歷史可追溯到15世紀,擁有中高酸度與清新芳香的梨子氣息,礦石與約略的硝石味道讓氣息更有質感,更成熟者有杏桃風味,香氣典雅柔和,一般者雖然層次不多,卻均勻平衡,非常適合搭配海鮮與口味輕柔的料理,更是夏日酒窖必備良伴。

伊卡笛的Cortese葡萄成熟狀況優良,不計成本使用手工摘採,更使用低溫温控不繡鋼桶發酵,來保持香鮮細柔的果香,甚至還帶一些細柔花香,果香與礦石的香氣比例讓飲者非常舒服,品質極佳,雖然是定位在日常用酒,卻曾拿到義大利知名評論家Luca Maron給予89高分!可說是酒莊優良名聲外的雙重保證。

Luca Maroni:89 points

