  2019-01-01 10:00:00

五號好酒-Miguel Torres Manso de Velasco Cabernet Sauvignon 2007/2008 智利多利士酒莊 曼索百年老藤卡本內紅酒

酒莊:Miguel Torres Chile
產區:智利 Curico Valley
全名:Miguel Torres Manso de Velasco Cabernet Sauvignon
中文:多利士酒莊 曼索百年老藤卡本內紅酒
品種:100% Cabernet Sauvignon

位於智利中央河谷區的Curico Valley,屬於乾燥且日夜溫差大的優良葡萄產區,Cabernet Sauvignon在此區有非常好的表現,果實成熟足夠且單寧飽滿,可以種植出皮色深黑充滿芳香的葡萄。

這款以Manso de Velasco命名的老藤單一葡萄園酒,名字取自當初開創這個區域的西班牙裔英雄而得,使用非常罕見的『百年老藤』Cabernet Sauvignon釀造,是現今『全世界唯七』的珍貴人類遺產,珍貴異常!


2008 Wine Enthusiast 93 



Wine Enthusiast:92 points - Editor's Choice(2003)
One of the more legendary wines from Chile, one we look forward to reviewing. The ’03 model is almost mossy and beet-based on the nose, but give that denseness a pass and head to the luscious black cherry and licorice that layers the palate. Heady stuff for certain; drink within a few years.

Wine Access:94 points(2003)

MUNDUSvini Germany:Gold Medal(2007)

Wines of Chile:Gold Medal(2006)

飲酒過量 有害健康
